积分球检验校正测试设备 设备品牌:中为检验、星谱检验校正、远方检验校正
The integrating sphere calibration testers Brands: Zvision, Starspec, Everfine. |
冷热冲击试验设备 说明:低温-40℃,高温+100℃ 。 冷热冲击日本OYO人机系统使我们的冷热冲击试验得以完整执行,并可依USB存储相关数据到PC。 High and low temperature shock chamber -40℃ to +100℃ for 128 times. To check the thermostability and gold thread. |
恒温恒湿试验设备 说明:低温-40℃,高温+100℃,相对湿度85%RH±5%RH,恒温恒湿BTHC控制系统使我们的恒温恒湿试验得以完整执行,并可依USB存储相关数据到PC。 Constant temperature and humidity test chamber. Low temperature:-40℃. High temperature+100℃. Relative humidity: 85%RH±5%RH. To test the light decay, the color temperature drift, in the accerated test. |
高温老化试验设备 说明:50-100℃,恒定高温环境使我们的点亮老化试验得以完整执行。 Oven reliability test chamber 50-100℃ to test the heat-resistance ability of the LEDs. |
紫外加速老化试验设备 说明:温度:10-70℃、湿度:≥75-90%RH、波长:315-400NM、紫外光气候使我们的紫外光耐气候试验得以完整执行。 Ultraviolet accelerated weatherometer Temperature: 10-70℃. Humidity: ≥75-90%RH. Wave length: 315-400nm, to test the plastic glue and other components in strong ultraviolet rediation. |
淋雨试验设备 说明:滴雨水压:98Kpa(可调)、淋雨水压:90Kpa(可调)、降雨强度:3-5mm/min。淋雨环境使我们的淋雨试验得以完整执行。 Rain test chamber Drop water pressure: 98Kpa(adjustable). Rain water pressure:90Kpa(adjustable). Rainfall intensity:3-5mm/min. Time: 10-20mins for IP grade. |
盐雾试验设备 说明:温度:30-35℃、湿:度≥85%RH、PH:6.5-7.2。氯化钠雾溶液使我们的表面处理腐蚀试验得以完整执行。 Salt spray test chamber Temperature: 30-35℃. Humidity: ≥85%RH. PH:6.5-7.2. To examine the corrosion resistance of LED housing including plastic and aluminum. |
振动试验设备 说明:频率:5-200Hz,扫频:5-200Hz。振动平台使我们的振动试验得以完整执行。 Packing Measuring/Vibration instrument Frequency: 5-200Hz. Sweep frequency: 5-200Hz. To check if the LED golden wire is solid enough. |
点亮老化设备 说明:确认点亮老化电压变化,检验来料、工艺对成品品质影响。 Aging test LEDs: 20000hrs. LED lamps: 12-72hrs. |